Ahmed Qabel (b. 1999, Menofia, Egypt) graduated from Al-Azhar University with a BA in Commerce in 2022.
He is a self-taught photographer who began his passion for photography in 2018. In 2021, his first long-term project, "Cairo Return," was selected to receive the AFAC grant. In 2023, the same project won the Canon Student Development Program.
His photography focuses on social issues and marginalized communities.
Photo by Muhammed Hozyn.
- Africa Foto Fair 2023. Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. See more Here.
- Roznama 8 with Medrar, Contemporary Image Collective (CIC) 2021. Cairo, Egypt.
- Egypt press photo 2021. Cairo, Egypt.
Email: qabelphotos@gmail.com
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